Thursday, September 15, 2022

New Enclosure!


Hey it's been a while! I've had a lot more time to work on the robot recently, so I've been making so much progress that I haven't been able to write it all down.
Last time I left off, I was having problems getting the robot to respond quickly over serial communication. It turns out that the 10 AA batteries that I was using as my main power source were draining to quickly. 
I decided to fix the issue by finally getting a lipo battery. I chose a 3 cell battery, which is rated at 11.1V.
Lipo batteries are dangerous and should not be discharged below a certain rate. With the addition of the kinect I also realized that I need something that would provide a stable 12V. I'm sure the kinect has an internal voltage regulator, but I still want to be able to provide a steady voltage. This would also make sure the motors are operating at their rated voltage.
In order to solve the problems above I bought a buck-boost converter and a low voltage cut-off circuit. The battery came with really large wires so I also had to buy an xt60 connector. I'm also going to add a more robust power switch. Eventually the circuit will look like this
Battery >> connector >> power switch >> low voltage protection circuit >> buck boost converter.
Currently I just have the low voltage protection circuit in there with the connector and the switch.
Since cost is a driving factor for me, I chose the cheapest low voltage protection circuit I could find, which relied on a potentiometer to adjust the cut offs. This proved to be really annoying to set and very unreliable. In the future I'm going to pick something that provides me with more information even if it costs extra.
Because I don't have a power supply, I had to put some resistors between the battery and the circuit, measure the output with my voltmeter and then twist the adjustment screw on the potentiometer. The process was excruciating, but I did manage to set the cutoff point at about 11 V.  Now that I have a few extra pieces of gear it's time to start thinking how I'm going to fit all of that on the robot.
In the past I made a second platform for the robot and elevated it with columns. Going forward I wanted to make the robot more presentable and take advantage of the space more. I plan to put the kinect and lidar on the second level, so I needed another approach.
Here are the objectives of the enclosure
  1. Make the robot look more professional
  2. Hold the lipo battery securely
  3. Provide space for the low voltage circuit
  4. Provide space for the buck boost converter
  5. House the arduino and the motor shield
  6. House the raspberry pi
  7. House the raspberry pi battery
  8. Provide access to the raspberry pi battery power button
  9. Provide access to the arduino usb port
  10. Mount at least 4 ultra sound distance senors
  11. Provide room on the second level for the kinect and lidar.
As you can see it's a tall order. When I added the adafruit motor shield I had to screw down the arduino. The existing holes in the enclosure weren't easy to line up against. As a result the board is positioned in such a way that when you plug the USB cable in, it sticks out past the edges of the platform. This isn't ideal as I hoped the whole thing could be completely enclosed. However this was actually convenient for development, because I could access the cable from the side.
The enclosure took me more iterations that I would have liked. My biggest issue was lining up holes in the 3d model with holes on the actual chassis, since the chassis is from china, I didn't get a drawing of where the holes were and had to rely on my imperfect measurements made with a caliper. 
But eventually I was able to print the enclosure! Here is what the end product looks like!

I had to create a cut out for the arduino cable and profile cutouts for the distance sensors. The lipo battery is fixed with a ushaped bracket, same with the raspberry pi battery. The pi is mounted on a plate that inserts into the battery bracket. This enables it to be removed if need be. 
I also had to get a usb-C cable with a 90-degree bend so that it wouldn't interfere with the lipo battery.
Overall, it fits really nice! 
To attach the roof of the enclosure to the walls, I added a lip to the walls. The lips houses a nut inserted into a cutout. This nut allows the roof to the secured with screws. The roof also has a large opening in the middle to feed wires through from future additions such as the lidar or the kinect. 
Another part of this issue was getting the enclosure to print in a way that would look beatiful. Since the walls are mostly flat it made sense to lay them down, in the print configuration, but that resulted in some ugly layers. What I ended up doing instead is printing all the pieces upright. This took wayy more time, but the result was phenomenal! I originally intended for the enclosure to be a mint colour, but I ran out and had to use purple silk PLA. This gives the robot a distinct shine!
Overall, I'm really happy with the progress so far. All of the wire mess can be hidden now and protected from my cats.
After making the enclosure I started driving the robot around again, and I was disappointed with the accuracy of the control. I drove the robot forward and the told it to stop. The robot overcorrected by driving backwards. This told me that there is still work that needs to be done on the PID tuning.
This stuff is the bane of my existence. I realized I may be a bit out of my depth as I've previously tried a lot of different tuning approaches, and I still couldn't get a reliable result. I decided to find a PID library and found the Arduino PID library by Brett. 
This library is intended to replicate what is being used in industry and has numerous improvements over the regular PID algorithm. I replaced my code with the PID from the library and was still having trouble.
The first thing that I did right was to correct the low pass filter I was using on my velocity measurements. As they say garbage in garbage out. I adjusted the cut off frequency and the sampling rate of the filter, which provided significantly more accurate results. That got me thinking that I also had to do the same for the PID controller. One of the improvements that the library implements is that the controller runs at a set interval to increase the performance. After playing around with the PID constants I was finally able to get the controller to follow a sine wave! 
I was excited to try it with the rest of the code, however when I tried to setup the serial node on the pi to connect to the arduino I got the error
wrong checksum or topic id
I looked online and one of the solutions is to increase the delay in the arduino loop. Yesterday I was able to fix this problem by increasing the time between evaluations of the PID loop. I think it has some interrupts in there that must be screwing up my message reception. I still get the error occasionally, but at least it's able to connect. 
I tried to drive the robot around, but there were HUGE spikes in output! The thing will lurch forward like a monster that is out for blood! This is disappointing, because I'm not worse than when I started in terms of PID control. The PID library that I'm using wasn't designed for robots, but rather fridges or cruise control in a car. So, I'm going to investigate if there's something I can do to get smoother performance. The library offers quite a few sophisticated tools that I can take advantage of, such as adjusting constants on the fly. 
If I can't figure it out, I might try another library or just go back to my code. 
 Here's a video of the robot startling my cat:

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