Saturday, October 30, 2021

Hello world!

 Ok so I finally got Arduino to day hello world to the raspberry pi 

some things to not

the port name is ttyACM0

The default baud rate on the pi is high 57600

I need to add this line to the bash_rc file, so that I don't need to run it in every terminal

 source catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash

 The  arduino dev environemnt is still not ideal, i don't know why. I think it gets angry if you don't have each script in its own folder.


This tiny bit of work took me like 2 and a half hours because I had to do so much setup. 

But its progress!!


Sunday, October 17, 2021


 Hey, I'm finally getting back into this project. I haven't really been working on it since my job keeps me busy. Anyways.

I've had to do a whole bunch of resetup stuff to be able to work on this again. Since my last update I have moved, started a new job and destroyed my computer. Also my cat chewed through the power cable of the robot.

First I had to solder the connections on the robot back together. 

Then I had to reinstall a whole bunch of stuff on my computer since I formatted my hard drive.

This included the Arduino IDE, putty, an ip scanner I use to find the pi etc.

I also got tired of the Arduino IDE since its barely usable when compared to Visual Studio Code that I use for work.

So I installed Visual Studio and managed to find a good Arduino extension.

Its called Visual Micro

I was finally able to clone my repo again and start working on the project.

Right now im just working on getting hello world through the serial connection between my Arduino and my Raspberry pi. 

I'm having trouble getting the ros serial noetic package on the pi.

And I still have no idea how to deal with the encoder, in any case I've now made my code on github public :)

NEW Project Autonomous underwater vehicle!

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